Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hospital Stay

Once it was determined what was happening - it was decided that a few days in the hospital were needed and test run. I don't remember all the tests but I know it was a few various x-rays and a TB test. The TB test was to make sure I was clear to start Remicade. That was the next medicine my GI wanted to start me on. I guess that it is hard on your immune system so they need to make sure you are clear of TB first! I was along for the ride at this point.

I had blood drawn daily. 3-4 doses of Morphine daily. Liquid diet (for the first 4 days) and lots of other fluid like things going in me!

Tuesday was my daughters 9th birthday - I was so sad to be missing out on her big day! My family came in from Arizona to swoop her up and spoil her in my place. They ended their afternoon with a stop to see me. We celebrated with cake in my niece Amelia even came along. I am so thankful to my family for picking up the pieces while I was in the hospital. The hardest part of the day was missing our traditional family birthday dinner! Luckily everyone stepped up and Abbie had a great time - even minus mommy!

My birthday girl!!!

Eating cake with Daddy - Great Grandma smiling in the background!

Happy girl - all smiles!

Wednesday I received my first does of Remicade. It seemed ok - the LARGE dose of benedryl knocked me out for nearly 3 hours! I was still in a fair amount of pain though. Then - to make matters worse - after 3 days my bowel movements settled down - and pretty much stopped! Yes - from one end of the spectrum to the other! Now I couldn't go at all! They put me back on a soft diet to try and help things but nothing was getting me going. So - my GI prescribed Go Easy - and A LOT of it! Finally Thursday evening I was able to go a little bit - it was determined to go home and try to recover there.

So - home I went on Friday - 8 days after I was admitted. Not sure if I was any better than when I went in. But that seems to be the case with this disease. Time to create a new normal all over!

What I wouldn't do at this point for the 8 pills a day plan!

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